Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know even more about who we are, what we do, or why we do it? Check out this FAQ list we've compiled to answer the most common questions we receive about our mission and purpose as a Christian a cappella group on the Berkeley campus!

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” — Romans 12:1
Everything we do—planning, preparing, rehearsing, performing—should be an act of worship. Pursuing musical excellence during performances is an act of worship. What each individual specifically does during performances is a personal choice. It is on the individual to figure out how to best pursue performances with a worshipful heart.
The purpose of the concert is to reflect certain aspects of God and the Gospel through the theme and story of our skits and song choices in an understandable and creative way. For the audience, we hope that they can learn more about the character of God and become more curious about the Gospel. For our members specifically, the purpose is to explore that aspect throughout the semester while writing the skit and practicing songs. Ultimately, we want to portray the Gospel in a unique way, equip fellow Christians, and spark conversation about God.
The skit is to provide context to our song choices in how they fit into the Gospel. It is meant to portray the Gospel in a unique way that is also understandable to non-Christians. The skit is also an outlet to show greater nuances of the Christian life, helping to break down any existing stereotypes of Christianity. We also hope that the concert can serve as a reminder for Christians of Gospel’s applications to everyday life.
Sproul performances are our main and most consistent vessel to carry out our mission/vision statements during the semester. This is our time to share aspects of the Gospel through our songs as well as the joy and love from God with the Berkeley community. It is also an opportunity to get to know our community members and build relationships with them, either by just by striking up a conversation or by grabbing a snack on us after the performance. God has called us to be a Christ-centered a cappella group, so Sproul performances are also an opportunity to be a Christian presence on the Berkeley campus and in the a cappella community.
In order to effectively carry out our mission/vision, we sing Christian songs that are intentionally written with Christ-centered lyrics that convey the Gospel message to our communities. During Sproul performances, we want every note and lyric we sing to proudly and accurately proclaim the Gospel so that the Berkeley campus can hear the good news of Christ.
We sing non-Christian songs in order to reflect human experiences that our characters are feeling throughout our skit. We want to share our joy in singing together and strive for musical excellence, for that is our act of worship.